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CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
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\\\'default\\\' => false,
* 微信访问关闭商城
function close_site_shop() {
if (is_weixin_visit() && _cao(\\\'is_weixin_close_site_shop\\\', false)) {
add_filter(\\\'is_site_shop\\\', \\\'__return_true\\\');
add_action(\\\'init\\\', \\\'close_site_shop\\\');
* 排行榜
CSF::createWidget(\\\'rizhuti_v2_module_rank\\\', array(
\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'RI-首页模块 : 排行榜\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
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\\\'title\\\' => \\\'\\\',
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\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'catcms\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'group\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'新建排行榜(至多4个)\\\',
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\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_title\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'排行榜标题\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'不设置则自动显示分类名称为标题\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_icon\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标代码\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_is_all_cat\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'switcher\\\',
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\\\'multiple\\\' => true,
\\\'inline\\\' => true,
\\\'options\\\' => \\\'categories\\\',
\\\'dependency\\\' => array(\\\'_is_all_cat\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'false\\\'),
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_blank\\\',
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\\\'title\\\' => \\\'新窗口打开导航链接\\\',
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\\\'dependency\\\' => array(\\\'is_cat_nav\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\'),
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'orderby\\\',
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\\\'options\\\' => array(
\\\'view\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'浏览量\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'date\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'日期\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
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\\\'comment_count\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'评论数量\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'id\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'文章ID\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'view\\\',
if (!function_exists(\\\'rizhuti_v2_module_rank\\\')) {
function rizhuti_v2_module_rank($args, $instance)
if (!is_page_template_modular()) {
return false;
} //非模块页面不显示
echo $args[\\\'before_widget\\\'];
<?php if (!empty($instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'catcms\\\'])) :
$post_count = 0;
foreach ($instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'catcms\\\'] as $k => $item) {
if (\\\'1\\\' === $item[\\\'_is_all_cat\\\']) {
$post_count += wp_count_posts()->publish;
} else {
foreach ($item[\\\'nav_cat_id\\\'] as $v) {
$post_count += get_category($v)->count;
<h3 class=\"section-title section-title1\"><span><i
class=\"<?php echo $instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i> <?php echo $instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'_title\\\'] ?>
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<h4 class=\"total\">榜单合计 <em
class=\"total_num\"><?php echo $post_count; ?></em> 篇</h4>
<ul data-tabs style=\"padding-left: 0\">
<?php foreach ($instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'catcms\\\'] as $k => $item) {
$title = $item[\\\'_title\\\'];
$icon = $item[\\\'_icon\\\'];
if ($k === 0) {
echo <<<EOT
<li id=\"rank-$k\" class=\"ranking-post current\" data-source=\"inspiration\"><a><i class=\"$icon\"></i>$title</a></li>
} else {
echo <<<EOT
<li id=\"rank-$k\" class=\"ranking-post\" data-source=\"inspiration\"><a><i class=\"$icon\"></i>$title</a></li>
} ?>
echo <<< EOT
var list_rank;
$(function() {
list_rank = \\\'#list-\\\' + $(this).attr(\"id\");
EOT; ?>
<div class=\"ranks-main\">
<div class=\"rank-results\">
<?php foreach ($instance[\\\'home_mode_rank\\\'][\\\'catcms\\\'] as $k => $item) {
if ($item[\\\'orderby\\\'] === \\\'view\\\') {
$args = array(
\\\'ignore_sticky_posts\\\' => true,
\\\'post_status\\\' => \\\'publish\\\',
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\\\'meta_key\\\' => \\\'_views\\\',
\\\'orderby\\\' => \\\'meta_value_num\\\',
\\\'order\\\' => \\\'DESC\\\'
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$args = array(
\\\'ignore_sticky_posts\\\' => true,
\\\'post_status\\\' => \\\'publish\\\',
\\\'posts_per_page\\\' => 5,
\\\'orderby\\\' => $item[\\\'orderby\\\'],
\\\'order\\\' => \\\'DESC\\\'
if ($item[\\\'_is_all_cat\\\'] === \\\'0\\\' || $item[\\\'_is_all_cat\\\'] === \\\'\\\') {
if (empty($item[\\\'nav_cat_id\\\'])) {
$args[\\\'category__in\\\'] = [md5(123)];
} else {
$args[\\\'category__in\\\'] = $item[\\\'nav_cat_id\\\'];
$wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
$i = 0;
if ($k == 0) {
echo \\\'<div class=\"items\" id=\"list-rank-\\\' . $k . \\\'\">\\\';
} else {
echo \\\'<div class=\"items\" id=\"list-rank-\\\' . $k . \\\'\" style=\"display: none;\">\\\';
while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();
global $post;
if (empty($sizes)) {
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$_h = (int)$sizes[\\\'height\\\'];
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$thumb_url = get_template_directory_uri() . \\\'/timthumb.php?src=\\\' . $src . \\\'&h=\\\' . $_h . \\\'&w=\\\' . $_w . \\\'&zc=1&a=c&q=100&s=1\\\';
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$thumbnail_other = _cao(\\\'thumbnail_other\\\', \\\'\\\');
$thumb_url = $src . $thumbnail_other;
} else {
$thumb_url = $src;
$categoriy = \\\'\\\';
$categories = get_the_category();
foreach ($categories as $k => $v) {
if ($k > 0) {
if ($k === 1) {
$categoriy .= \\\' | \\\' . \\\'<a href=\"\\\'%20.%20get_category_link($v->term_id)%20.%20\\\'\">\\\' . $v->name . \\\'</a>\\\';
} else {
$categoriy .= \\\'<a href=\"\\\'%20.%20get_category_link($v->term_id)%20.%20\\\'\">\\\' . $v->name . \\\'</a>\\\';
$author = get_the_author_posts_link();
<div class=\"item\">
<div class=\"item-num num-<?php echo $i ?>\"><span
class=\"num\"><?php echo $i ?></span></div>
<div class=\"item-thumb\"><a href=\"<?php%20the_permalink()%20?>\" target=\"_blank\">
class=\"thumb \"
style=\"background-image:url(<?php echo $thumb_url ?>)\"></i>
<div class=\"item-title\"><a href=\"<?php%20the_permalink()%20?>\" target=\"_blank\">
<?php the_title(); ?></a></div>
<div class=\"item-cat\" style=\"text-align: center\"><?php echo $categoriy; ?></div>
<div class=\"item-author\">
<?php echo $author; ?>
<div class=\"item-views\">
<div class=\"un-hover\"><em><?php echo _get_post_views(); ?></em> 观众</div>
<?php endwhile;
echo \\\'</div>\\\';
} ?>
<?php endif; ?>
echo ob_get_clean();
echo @$args[\\\'after_widget\\\'];
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利用宝塔或则FTP打开/rizhuti-v2/template-parts/global下的header-menu.php文件放入以下代码在<div class=”header-gap”></div> 上面:
<?php if ( _cao(\\\'login_use_target_mode\\\', false) ) { ?>
<div id=\"login-box\" style=\"display: none;\">
<div class=\"modal show-modal\">
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<span class=\"close-button\">×</span>
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<img src=\"<?php%20echo%20_cao(\\\'site_logo\\\');?>\" />
<div class=\"login-box-in\" style=\"\">
<div class=\"login-title\">
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<p class=\"login-box-des\" style=\"display: none\">
<p class=\"login-box-des\" style=\"display: none\">用作登录</p>
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</b> -->
<?php if (!stristr($_SERVER[\\\'REQUEST_URI\\\'], \\\'/login\\\')): ?>
<?php qq_captcha_btn(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<label class=\"login-form-item\" style=\"display: none\"><input name=\"repassword\" tabindex=\"5\" autocomplete=\"off\" spellcheck=\"false\" type=\"password\" class=\"\" />
<p class=\"login-box-des\" style=\"display: none\">
<div class=\"login-tk\"><!----> <!----> <p class=\"login-p\"><a href=\"<?php%20echo%20wp_lostpassword_url();%20?>\">忘记密码?</a><span>新用户?<a href=\"<?php%20echo%20wp_registration_url();%20?>\">注册</a></span></p> <!----></div>
<div class=\"login-bottom\">
<button class=\"go-login\">快速登录</button>
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if (_cao(\\\'is_sns_qq\\\') || _cao(\\\'is_sns_weixin\\\') || _cao(\\\'is_sns_weibo\\\')) {
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$typeclass = (is_weixin_visit()) ? \\\'weixin mp\\\' : $typeclass ;
echo \\\'<li class=\"list-inline-item\"><a href=\"\\\'.get_open_oauth_url($type,%20$current_url).\\\'\" class=\"btn btn-sm btn-outline-\\\'.$opt[\\\'css\\\'].\\\' oauth-btn \\\'.$typeclass.\\\'\"><i class=\"fa \\\'.$opt[\\\'icon\\\'].\\\' mr-1\" loading=\"lazy\">
* 网站统计
CSF::createWidget(\\\'rizhuti_v2_module_count\\\', array(
\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'RI-首页模块 : 网站统计\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'classname\\\' => \\\'rizhuti_v2-widget-parallax reds-count-widget\\\',
\\\'description\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'Displays a 网站统计模块.\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'image\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'upload\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'背景图\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'default\\\' => get_template_directory_uri() . \\\'/assets/img/top-bg.jpg\\\',
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\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'显示按钮\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
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\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'内容介绍\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'default\\\' => esc_html__(\\\'内容介绍\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\'),
\\\'dependency\\\' => array(\\\'is_text\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\'),
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\\\'id\\\' => \\\'button_one\\\',
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\\\'title\\\' => \\\'按钮一\\\',
\\\'dependency\\\' => array(\\\'is_button\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\'),
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_title\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'标题\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'开通VIP\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_link\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'链接\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'/user?action=vip\\\',
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\\\'title\\\' => \\\'按钮二\\\',
\\\'dependency\\\' => array(\\\'is_button\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\'),
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_title\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'标题\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'资源推荐\\\',
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\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'链接\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'user_count\\\',
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\\\'title\\\' => \\\'会员总数统计\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'数量\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'留空调用系统数据\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'\\\',
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\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#ec2546\\\',
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\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'post_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'fieldset\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'资源总数统计\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'数量\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'留空调用系统数据\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_color\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'color\\\',
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\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#ec2546\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_icon\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'post_count_for_week\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'fieldset\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'本周发布统计\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'数量\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'留空调用系统数据\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_color\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'color\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'悬浮颜色\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#ec2546\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_icon\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'post_count_for_day\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'fieldset\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'今日发布统计\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'数量\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'留空调用系统数据\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_color\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'color\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'悬浮颜色\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#ec2546\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_icon\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'run_date\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'fieldset\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'稳定运行时长统计\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_count\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'date\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'数量\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'设置一个起始时间,系统将自动计算经过的天数\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'12/1/2020\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_color\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'color\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'悬浮颜色\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'#ec2546\\\',
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_icon\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'图标\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'fa fa-home\\\',
\\\'desc\\\' => \\\'请使用<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://fontawesome.com/icons\">Font Awesome</a>图标,例子<code>fa fa-home</code>\\\',
if (!function_exists(\\\'rizhuti_v2_module_count\\\')) {
function rizhuti_v2_module_count($args, $instance)
if (!is_page_template_modular()) {
return false;
} //非模块页面不显示
echo $args[\\\'before_widget\\\'];
ob_start(); ?>
<div class=\"module parallax\">
<?php if (!empty($instance[\\\'image\\\'])): ?>
<img class=\"jarallax-img lazyload\" data-src=\"<?php%20echo%20esc_url($instance[\\\'image\\\']);%20?>\"
alt=\"<?php echo esc_attr($instance[\\\'title\\\']); ?>\">
<?php endif;
if ($instance[\\\'text\\\'] != \\\'\\\'): ?>
$users = wp_list_authors(\\\'echo=0&exclude_admin=0&hide_empty=0&optioncount=1&style=0\\\');
$users = explode(\\\',\\\', $users);
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"mobanweb\">
<ul class=\"data-items\">
<li><i class=\"mdi <?php echo $instance[\\\'user_count\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i><strong
class=\"active\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'user_count\\\'][\\\'_count\\\'] ?: count($users) ?></strong><span>会员总数(位)</span>
<li><i class=\"mdi <?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i><strong
class=\"active\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count\\\'][\\\'_count\\\'] ?: wp_count_posts()->publish ?></strong><span>资源总数(个)</span>
<li><i class=\"mdi <?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count_for_week\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i><strong
class=\"active\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count_for_week\\\'][\\\'_count\\\'] ?: ft_get_posts_count_from_this_week() ?></strong><span>本周发布(个)</span>
<li><i class=\"mdi <?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count_for_day\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i><strong
class=\"active\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'post_count_for_day\\\'][\\\'_count\\\'] ?: ft_get_posts_count_from_today() ?></strong><span>今日发布(个)</span>
<li><i class=\"mdi <?php echo $instance[\\\'run_date\\\'][\\\'_icon\\\'] ?>\"></i><strong
class=\"active\"><?php echo (int)((time() - strtotime($instance[\\\'run_date\\\'][\\\'_count\\\'])) / 86400); ?></strong><span>稳定运行(天)</span>
<?php if($instance[\\\'is_text\\\'] === null ? true : $instance[\\\'is_text\\\']):?>
<h4 class=\"entry-title\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'text\\\'] ?></h4>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if($instance[\\\'is_button\\\'] === null ? true : $instance[\\\'is_button\\\']):?>
<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"button\"
href=\"<?php%20echo%20$instance[\\\'button_one\\\'][\\\'_link\\\']%20?>\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'button_one\\\'][\\\'_title\\\'] ?></a>
<a target=\"_blank\" class=\"button transparent\"
href=\"<?php%20echo%20$instance[\\\'button_two\\\'][\\\'_link\\\']%20?>\"><?php echo $instance[\\\'button_two\\\'][\\\'_title\\\'] ?></a>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;
if (!empty($instance[\\\'link\\\'])): ?>
<a class=\"u-permalink\"
href=\"<?php%20echo%20esc_url($instance[\\\'link\\\']);%20?>\"<?php echo esc_attr($instance[\\\'new_tab\\\'] ? \\\' target=\"_blank\"\\\' : \\\'\\\'); ?>></a>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <?php
echo ob_get_clean();
echo $args[\\\'after_widget\\\'];
* 统计模块需要用到的东西
function ft_get_posts_count_from_this_week($post_type = \\\'post\\\')
global $wpdb;
$week = date(\\\'w\\\', time());
if ($week == 0) {
$week = 6;
} else {
$week = $week - 1;
$numposts = $wpdb->get_var(
\"FROM {$wpdb->posts} \" .
\"WHERE post_status=\\\'publish\\\' \" .
\"AND post_type= \\\'\" . $post_type . \"\\\' \" .
\"AND post_date > \\\'\" . date(\\\'Y-m-d H:i:s\\\', strtotime(date(\\\'Y-m-d\\\', time() - $week * 86400))) . \"\\\'\",
if (empty($numposts)) {
$numposts = 0;
return $numposts;
function ft_get_posts_count_from_today($post_type = \\\'post\\\')
global $wpdb;
$numposts = $wpdb->get_var(
\"FROM {$wpdb->posts} \" .
\"WHERE post_status=\\\'publish\\\' \" .
\"AND post_type= \\\'\" . $post_type . \"\\\' \" .
\"AND DATE_FORMAT(post_date, \\\'%Y-%m-%d\\\') = \\\'\" . date(\\\'Y-m-d\\\', time()) . \"\\\'\",
if (empty($numposts)) {
$numposts = 0;
return $numposts;
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CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'功能增强\\\',
\\\'icon\\\' => \\\'fas fa-rocket\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'no_category\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'switcher\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => esc_html__( \\\'去掉分类category\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\' ),
\\\'desc\\\' => esc_html__( \\\'启用后会去除掉分类目录的category(开启/关闭都需要保存一次固定链接方可生效)\\\', \\\'rizhuti-v2\\\' ),
\\\'default\\\' => true,
* 去除分类category相关
if (_cao(\\\'no_category\\\') && !function_exists(\\\'no_category_base_refresh_rules\\\')) {
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, \\\'no_category_base_refresh_rules\\\');
add_action(\\\'created_category\\\', \\\'no_category_base_refresh_rules\\\');
add_action(\\\'edited_category\\\', \\\'no_category_base_refresh_rules\\\');
add_action(\\\'delete_category\\\', \\\'no_category_base_refresh_rules\\\');
function no_category_base_refresh_rules()
global $wp_rewrite;
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, \\\'no_category_base_deactivate\\\');
function no_category_base_deactivate()
remove_filter(\\\'category_rewrite_rules\\\', \\\'no_category_base_rewrite_rules\\\');
// We don\\\'t want to insert our custom rules again
// Remove category base
add_action(\\\'init\\\', \\\'no_category_base_permastruct\\\');
function no_category_base_permastruct()
global $wp_rewrite, $wp_version;
if (version_compare($wp_version, \\\'3.4\\\', \\\'<\\\')) {
// For pre-3.4 support
$wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs[\\\'category\\\'][0] = \\\'%category%\\\';
} else {
$wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs[\\\'category\\\'][\\\'struct\\\'] = \\\'%category%\\\';
// Add our custom category rewrite rules
add_filter(\\\'category_rewrite_rules\\\', \\\'no_category_base_rewrite_rules\\\');
function no_category_base_rewrite_rules($category_rewrite)
$category_rewrite = array();
$categories = get_categories(array(\\\'hide_empty\\\' => false));
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$category_nicename = $category->slug;
if ($category->parent == $category->cat_ID)// recursive recursion
$category->parent = 0;
elseif ($category->parent != 0)
$category_nicename = get_category_parents($category->parent, false, \\\'/\\\', true) . $category_nicename;
$category_rewrite[\\\'(\\\' . $category_nicename . \\\')/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$\\\'] = \\\'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]\\\';
$category_rewrite[\\\'(\\\' . $category_nicename . \\\')/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$\\\'] = \\\'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]\\\';
$category_rewrite[\\\'(\\\' . $category_nicename . \\\')/?$\\\'] = \\\'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]\\\';
// Redirect support from Old Category Base
global $wp_rewrite;
$old_category_base = get_option(\\\'category_base\\\') ? get_option(\\\'category_base\\\') : \\\'category\\\';
$old_category_base = trim($old_category_base, \\\'/\\\');
$category_rewrite[$old_category_base . \\\'/(.*)$\\\'] = \\\'index.php?category_redirect=$matches[1]\\\';
return $category_rewrite;
// Add \\\'category_redirect\\\' query variable
add_filter(\\\'query_vars\\\', \\\'no_category_base_query_vars\\\');
function no_category_base_query_vars($public_query_vars)
$public_query_vars[] = \\\'category_redirect\\\';
return $public_query_vars;
// Redirect if \\\'category_redirect\\\' is set
add_filter(\\\'request\\\', \\\'no_category_base_request\\\');
function no_category_base_request($query_vars)
if (isset($query_vars[\\\'category_redirect\\\'])) {
$catlink = trailingslashit(get_option(\\\'home\\\')) . user_trailingslashit($query_vars[\\\'category_redirect\\\'], \\\'category\\\');
header(\"Location: $catlink\");
return $query_vars;
CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'功能增强\\\',
\\\'icon\\\' => \\\'fas fa-rocket\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'register_gift\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'注册送会员\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'fieldset\\\',
\\\'fields\\\' => array(
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'is_register_gift\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'switcher\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'开关\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => false,
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_level\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'radio\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'会员等级\\\',
\\\'inline\\\' => true,
\\\'options\\\' => array(
\\\'31\\\' => \\\'月卡VIP\\\',
\\\'365\\\' => \\\'年卡VIP\\\',
\\\'3600\\\' => \\\'永久VIP\\\',
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'31\\\',
\\\'dependency\\\' => array( \\\'is_register_gift\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\' ),
\\\'id\\\' => \\\'_day\\\',
\\\'type\\\' => \\\'text\\\',
\\\'title\\\' => \\\'赠送时长(天)\\\',
\\\'inline\\\' => true,
\\\'default\\\' => \\\'30\\\',
\\\'dependency\\\' => array( \\\'is_register_gift\\\', \\\'==\\\', \\\'true\\\' ),
* 注册送会员
if (_cao(\\\'register_gift\\\')[\\\'is_register_gift\\\']) {
add_action(\\\'user_register\\\', function ($user_id) {
update_user_meta($user_id, \\\'vip_type\\\', _cao(\\\'register_gift\\\')[\\\'_level\\\']);
$time = time() + _cao(\\\'register_gift\\\')[\\\'_day\\\'] * 86400;
update_user_meta($user_id, \\\'vip_time\\\', $time);
进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 额外CSS 添加下面的代码:
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进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 额外CSS 添加下面文件里的代码:
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font-size: 16px;
line-height: 1.4;
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进入 后台 – 外观 – 小工具 – 拖动自定义html到文章侧边栏 然后添加下面的代码:
<section class=\"yfx-jiaqun\">
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<div class=\"helper-thumb\"><img src=\"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/07/14/WZbbL9.png\" alt=\"源分享\"> </div>
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/* 菜单分类美化 */
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进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 小工具 – Ri-首页模块: 分类文章展示 – 标题添加下面的代码:
<div class=\"form-group none\">
<h2 style=\"display:inline-block\"> <img
src=\"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/07/14/WV7EAf.png\" width=\"30px\" ;=\"\"
style=\"margin-top: -6px;display:inline-block;\"> WordPress </h2> <a
href=\"https://www.yfxw.cn/\"><button style=\"width:12%;float:right;display:inline-block;\"
type=\"button\" class=\"btn badge-success\"> 插件 <span class=\"badge badge-light\">99+</span> </button></a> <a
style=\"width:12%;float:right;margin-right:20px;display:inline-block;\" type=\"button\"
class=\"btn badge-warning\"> 主题 <span class=\"badge badge-light\">99+</span> </button></a>
<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>
<div class=\"only\">
<h4 style=\"display:inline-block\"> <img
src=\"https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/07/14/WV71H0.png\" width=\"30px\" ;=\"\"
style=\"margin-top: -6px;display:inline-block;\"> CMS资源</h4>
.only {
display: inline;
@media (min-width: 950px) {
.only {
display: none;
进入路径: rizhuti-v2/assets/css 打开app.css 找到大约909行, 如图:
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text-align: center;
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进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 小工具 – 自定义html 添加下面的代码:
<div class=\"row\">
<div class=\"col-sm-6\">
<div class=\"card\">
<div class=\"card-body\">
<h3>资源的数量没满足现状?</h3><p class=\"card-text\">带上你的需求想法, 去提交需求, 根据会员等级取决你的需求处理态度,我们保障你的所有需求都会得到有效响应。</p>
<a href=\"https://www.yfxw.cn/\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">去提交</a>
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<a href=\"http://wpa.qq.com/msgrd?v=3&uin=26341012&site=qq&menu=yes\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">联系开心</a>
进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 小工具 – 自定义html 添加下面的代码:
#yfx {text-align: center}
<div id=\"yfx\">
<div class=\"card-deck\">
<div class=\"card\">
<div class=\"card-body\">
<div class=\"h1 text-center mb-0 text-danger\">¥<span class=\"price\">3.33</span></div>
<ul class=\"feature list-unstyled pl-0\">
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>赞助本站 ¥3.33 月费会员</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>时长30天不限速下载进程</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>后台工单优先处理, 48h响应</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>本站所有资源免费搭建2次/月</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>每日下载次数4次持续1个月</li> </ul>
<label for=\"post_price_opt_vip\" data-price=\"免费\"><span class=\"circle\"></span><b class=\"text-warning\"><i class=\"fa fa-diamond\"></i> VIP月费</b></label>
<p class=\"card-text\"><small class=\"text-muted\">售后处理较慢,不推荐</small></p>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block\" onclick=\"javascrtpt:window.location.href=\\\'https://www.yfxw.cn/user/vip\\\'\" >普通月会</button>
<div class=\"card\">
<div class=\"card-body\">
<div class=\"h1 text-center mb-0 text-danger\">¥<span class=\"price\">6.66</span></div>
<ul class=\"feature list-unstyled pl-0\">
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>赞助本站 ¥6.66 年费会员</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>时长365天不限速下载进程</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>后台工单优先处理, 48h响应</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>本站所有资源免费搭建3次/月</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>每日下载次数5次持续1个月</li> </ul>
<label for=\"post_price_opt_vip\" data-price=\"免费\"><span class=\"circle\"></span><b class=\"text-warning\"><i class=\"fa fa-diamond\"></i> SVIP年费</b></label>
<p class=\"card-text\"><small class=\"text-muted\">极速工单响应, 售后24h</small></p>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block\" onclick=\"javascrtpt:window.location.href=\\\'https://www.yfxw.cn/user/vip\\\'\" >一年超会</button>
<div class=\"card\">
<div class=\"card-body\">
<div class=\"h1 text-center mb-0 text-danger\">¥<span class=\"price\">8.88</span></div>
<ul class=\"feature list-unstyled pl-0\">
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>赞助本站 ¥8.88 永久会员</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>时长9999天不限速下载进程</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>后台工单优先处理, 12h响应</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>本站所有资源免费搭建5次/月</li>
<li class=\"feature-list\"><i class=\"fas fa-check text-success mr-1\"></i>每日下载次数5次持续1个月</li> </ul>
<label for=\"post_price_opt_vip\" data-price=\"免费\"><span class=\"circle\"></span><b class=\"text-warning\"><i class=\"fa fa-diamond\"></i> SVIP永久会员</b></label>
<p class=\"card-text\"><small class=\"text-muted\">极速工单响应, 售后24h</small></p>
<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block\" onclick=\"javascrtpt:window.location.href=\\\'https://www.yfxw.cn/user/vip\\\'\" >至尊永会<span class=\"badge badge-warning rounded ml-2\">推荐</span></button>
进入 后台 – 外观 – 自定义 – 额外CSS 添加下面的的代码:
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